AMD Beyond Complement and Serine Protease Pathways

Principal Investigator

Project Goals

This study will characterize two new genetic risk factors related to wet and dry AMD

Project Summary

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has a complex etiology and is broadly classified as either dry or wet. The dry form is more common, accounting for approximately 90% of patients, and does not typically result in blindness. About 10% of patients have the wet form, in which central vision will be destroyed. We have identified two major genetic factors predisposing some individuals to the more aggressive wet form of AMD and others to the slowly progressing dry type. Together with the new risk factors we will discover, it will be possible to detect who is at increased risk and allow those affected to take preventive measures.


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Yoshida, T., DeWan, A., Zhang, H., Sakamoto, R., Okamoto, H., Minami, M., Obazawa, M., Mizota, A., Tanaka, M, Saito, Y, Takagi, I, Hoh, J., Iwata, T. (2007) HTRA1 Promoter Polymorphism Predisposes Japanese to AMD. Mol. Vis. Apr 4;13:545-548.  

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Zhang H, Morrison MA, Dewan A, Adams S, Andreoli M, Huynh N, Regan M, Brown A, Miller JW, Kim IK, Hoh J, Deangelis MM. The NEI/NCBI dbGaP database: genotypes and haplotypes that may specifically predispose to risk of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. BMC Med Genet. 2008 Jun 9;9:51.  

Tam PO, Ng TK, Liu DT, Chan WM, Chiang SW, Chen LJ, DeWan A, Hoh J, Lam DS, Pang CP. HTRA1 variants in exudative age-related macular degeneration and interactions with smoking and CFH. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008 Jun;49(6):2357-65.  

Ormsby RJ, Ranganathan S, Tong JC, Griggs KM, Dimasi DP, Hewitt AW, Burdon KP, Craig JE, Hoh J, Gordon DL. Functional and structural implications of the complement factor H Y402H polymorphism associated with age-related macular degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008 May;49(5):1763- 70.  

Francis PJ, Zhang H, Dewan A, Hoh J, Klein ML. Joint effects of polymorphisms in the HTRA1, LOC387715/ARMS2, and CFH genes on AMD in a Caucasian population. Mol Vis. 2008 Aug 4;14:1395-400.  

Yan T, Yang YN, Cheng X, DeAngelis MM, Hoh J, Zhang H. Genotypic association analysis using discordant-relative-pairs. Ann Hum Genet. 2009 Jan;73(1):84-94. Epub 2008 Nov 21.  

Chowers I, Meir T, Lederman M, Goldenberg-Cohen N, Cohen Y, Banin E, Averbukh E, Hemo I, Pollack A, Axer-Siegel R, Weinstein O, Hoh J, Zack DJ, Galbinur T. Sequence variants in HTRA1 and LOC387715/ARMS2 and phenotype and response to photodynamic therapy in neovascular age-related macular degeneration in populations from Israel. Mol Vis. 2008;14:2263-71.  

SanGiovanni JP, Arking DE, Iyengar SK, Elashoff M, Clemons TE, Reed GF, Henning AK, Sivakumaran TA, Xu X, DeWan A, Agron E, Rochtchina E, Sue CM, Wang JJ, Mitchell P, Hoh J, Francis PJ, Klein ML, Chew EY, Chakravarti A. Mitochondrial DNA variants of respiratory complex I that uniquely characterize haplogroup T2 are associated with increased risk of age-related macular degeneration. PLoS One. 2009;4(5):e5508.  

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Jiao X, Yang Z, Yang X, Chen Y, Tong Z, Zhao C, Zeng J, Chen H, Gibbs D, Sun X, Li B, Wakins WS, Meyer C, Wang X, Kasuga D, Bedell M, Pearson E, Weinreb RN, Leske MC, Hennis A, DeWan A, Nemesure B, Jorde LB, Hoh J, Hejtmancik JF, Zhang K. Common variants on chromosome 2 and risk of primary open-angle glaucoma in the Afro-Caribbean population of Barbados. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Oct 6;106(40):17105-10. Epub 2009 Sep 24.  

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First published on: June 11, 2008

Last modified on: December 22, 2024