Decoding Alzheimer’s Disease Genomes With Deep Learning

Principal Investigator


  • Towfique  Raj, PhD

    Towfique Raj, PhD

Project Goals

This research aims to unravel the genetic and molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease using machine learning that predicts the impact of genetic mutations on biological functions.

Project Summary

Dr. Naito’s research aims to unravel the genetic complexities of Alzheimer's disease. This project has two primary objectives: to develop a pipeline to predict the impact of genetic mutations on RNA processing in brain cells by state-of-the-art machine-learning technologies and to investigate how genetic mutations have an impact on individuals with Alzheimer’s via RNA processing by applying this pipeline to huge genomic data. A better understanding of genetic associations of Alzheimer’s will help in developing new treatments and identifying biomarkers.


First published on: July 29, 2024

Last modified on: September 08, 2024